Darebin Council was offered three parcels of land within Clements Reserve in 2016 by the Victorian State Government. Council committed to purchasing the land in 2018. More than six years have elapsed and the matter is still not resolved.
After the discovery of lead contamination in the park in 2020 (at levels 1,400% above the EPA health limit) there was a standoff between Darebin Council and the Department of Transport and Planning over the price of the land and over responsibility for rehabilitation of the contamination. It has now been resolved that the Department of Transport will remediate the land prior to sale.
Darebin Council undertook temporary remediation actions in 2021 which involved capping and the contaminated area at a cost of between $50,000-$70,000. Elected councillors also voted to erect safety fencing.
See the following agenda Item 8.9 and Minute No. 21-137
In 2022, Darebin Council voted to choose between two remediation options:
Option 1 - to excavate the topsoil to a depth of 500mm, remove the spoils from site and replace it with clean fill and undertake associated remediation activities (reseeding, relocating of park infrastructure and ongoing monitoring and management etc).
Estimated cost = $3.6 million.
Option 2 - to excavate the topsoil to a depth of 150mm, remove the spoils from site and replace with clean fill, encapsulate the contaminated area with geofabric layer, top soil and mulch plus remediation activities (rewilding, reseeding, relocation of park infrastructure, installation of pet proof fencing and ongoing monitoring and management).
Estimated cost = $1.7 million.
Council opted for the less expensive Option 2 as set out in following agenda item 8.6 and Minute No. 22-089
In January 2025, I was verbally informed by a council officer that the environmental investigations that took place in 2021-2022 were not accepted as sufficient by the EPA and they now require 3D imaging of the site. She told me that the EPA has issued an Environmental Action Notice which is a notice that directs corrective action to manage risks or prevent harm. It is unclear whether either of the two remediation options would be acceptable to the EPA after the new environmental investigations are finalised.

Much to the frustration of local residents, council officers do not know how long it will be before the rehabilitation and sale of the land will happen. Residents are unhappy that the area is fenced off with prominently displayed 'contamination' signs and a children's playground situated directly adjacent to the area. Even though the area has been temporarily capped with soil, and ground water investigations have taken place, the signage has caused alarm about potential health risks and concerns about the impact upon property prices.
Below are the most recent questions which I have put to Darebin Council, and an extract from Hansard showing Member for Preston, Nathan Lambert, MP's recent representation on the issue in State Parliament. Federal Member for Cooper, Ged Kearney, MP has this week been approached by local residents about the matter and is following up.
Darebin Council - recent responses to questions
Ordinary Council Minutes - 28 January 2025
• Serena O’Meley
Darebin Council had two remediation proposals for Clements Reserve which were put to a vote around 2021 (sic - it was 2022). I understand that neither of these proposals has been deemed suitable by the EPA, and that this is holding up the sale of the land to Darebin Council. Can you please describe the EPA's expectations in relation to the remediation of the land?
Response from general Manager Infrastructure, Operations and Finance
The EPA have advised they are open to a range of options for remediation so long as they appropriately address the risk. Work is ongoing towards Clements Reserve remediation with the Department of Transport and Planning taking the lead because they are the majority owners of the contaminated area. The investigation and options process is being taken one step at a time and it is hard to predict the timeframe precisely. Purchase of the site by Council would occur after remediation.
Ordinary Council Minutes - 16 December 2024
In response to a resident's questions about Clements Reserve, officers responded as follows:
The State Government’s Department of Transport and Planning own most of the closed off area and we are working with them towards remediating it and reopening it. This will take some more time. An investigation report is currently being peer reviewed by an environmental auditor to be submitted to the EPA for final review in early 2025. This will enable us to confirm next steps on site.
(More questions and answers can be found in my 2020-2024 Questions and Submissions Diary).